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Simple and Easy Ways To Cut A Lot of Calories

Here are simple and the highly effective ways to cut calories

1.      Count your calories

  • One way to make sure you’re not eating too many calories is to count them.
  • In the past, it took a long time to log calories. However, recent apps have made tracking what you eat faster and easier than ever.
  • Some apps also offer the daily lifestyle tips to help keep you motivated. This may be more beneficial than just checking your intake, as it can help you form healthy, long-term habits

2.      Reduce the use of sauce

  • Adding ketchup or mayonnaise to your food can add more calories than you might realize. In fact, just one tablespoon (15 ml) of mayonnaise adds an additional 57 calories to your meal.
  • If you use a lot of sauce, try to eat less, or not at all, to reduce the number of calories you take in.

3.      Do not drink calories

  • Drinks can be a forgotten source of the calories in your diet.
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda, have also been linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  • One 16-ounce (475-ml) bottle of Coca-Cola contains approximately 200 calories and 44 grams of sugar.
  • One study suggests that drinking a lot of the sugar sweetened beverages not only adds many unnecessary calories to your diet, but may also increase your hunger later.
  • You may want to cut back on other drinks that are high in sugar and calories as well. These include alcoholic beverages; some commercially produced coffee drinks, sugar-sweetened fruit juices, and fruit juices.
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4.      Do not add sugar to the tea and coffee

  • Tea and coffee are healthy, low-calorie drinks, but 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of sugar adds about 16 calories to your drink.
  • Although this may not sound like much, the calories in a few cups or cups of sugar-sweetened tea per day can add up.

5.      Cook your own food

  • When you buy food prepared by someone else, you do not always know what’s in it.
  • Even meals that you think are healthy or low in calories can contain hidden sugars and fats, which increase their calorie content.
  • Cooking your own meals gives you better control over how many calories you eat.

6.      Don’t keep junk food at home

  • If you keep fast food on hand, it will be much easier to eat.
  • It can be a particular problem if you tend to eat when you’re stressed or bored.
  • To prevent the craving for unhealthy snacks, keep them out of the house.

7.      Use smaller plates

  • Today’s dinner plates are, on average, 44% larger than they were in the 1980s.
  • Larger plates have been linked to larger serving sizes, which mean that people are more likely to overeat.
  • In fact, one study found that people with larger dinner plates at the buffet ate 45% more food than those who used a smaller plate.
  • Choosing a smaller plate is a simple trick that can keep your portion sizes on track and limit overeating.

8.      Many meals with vegetables

  • Most people do not eat enough vegetables.
  • In fact, it is estimated that about 87% of people in the United States do not eat the recommended amount.
  • Filling half of your plate with the vegetables is an excellent way to increase your vegetable intake while reducing high-calorie foods.
See also  How Many Calories Should Men and Women Eat Per Day?

9.      Drink water before your meal

  • Drinking water before a meal may help you feel fuller, making you eat fewer calories.
  • For example, one study found that drinking just two cups (500 ml) of water before a meal reduced calories by 13%.
  • It may also help you lose weight.

10.  Eat low-calorie appetizers

  • Studies show that choosing low-calorie entrees, such as a light soup or salad, can prevent you from overeating.
  • In fact, one study noted that eating soup before the main meal can reduce the total number of calories you eat by up to 20%.

11.  Eat your meals slowly

  • Taking your time with a meal and chewing slowly may help you feel full more quickly, which can also help you eat less.
  • If you tend to eat quickly, try putting your knife and fork between bites or counting the number of times you chew your food.

12.  Order high-calorie dressings on the side

  • Sometimes even healthy, low-calorie meals like the salads can be deceptively high in calories.
  • This is especially true when a large amount of high-calorie dressing is poured over the salad.
  • If you like dressing on your salad, ask for it on its side so you can control how much you use.